Music PEI launches Tiny Island Concert Series
Tiny Island Concert Series Artist Application Guidelines
The Tiny Island Concert series is a creation of Music PEI’s in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has been taking its toll on our island’s music industry. The goal of the project is to help offset some of our artist’s lost revenue by paying them to produce Facebook Live videos for the Music PEI Facebook page from the comfort of their own homes. Artists will either fall into the “Emerging” category or the “Established” category and will be asked to play a show for 20 or 40 minutes respectively. This series is designed and intended to help those artists in need who have had their gigs and revenue cancelled for the foreseeable future.
The online Facebook Live concerts will begin Sunday, March 29 and will continue each Thursday and Sunday until further notice. All shows begin at 8:00 pm Atlantic Time.
Artist Categories
– Emerging Artist Description:
This category is for artists who have not reached a national audience but have released at least one full album or 4 singles in the past 24 months and have a performance history of the past 12 months. See other details below in the Eligibility section.
– Established Artist Description:
Established artists are those who have had a nationally charting album, have toured outside the Maritime region, have released an album in the past 36 months and had a live performance history for the past 24 months.
The Tiny Island Video Series will provide lottery-selected applicants with payments based on their category and set length.
● Emerging Artist: $750 for a 20-minute show
● Established Artist: $1500 for a 40-minute show
All applicants must currently be a resident of Prince Edward Island.
You are considered a resident of PEI if you meet both of the following criteria
The primary artist and/or the majority of the group must have a permanent address in PEI.
The applicant has been a resident of PEI for at least one year.
How Do I Apply?
– All applicants must submit a proposal through the online application process. Here you will
need to provide the following:
– A one-song sample of your intended video or a written description of your project
Promo material – bio, photo, links
-Are you available for these times – Sunday & Thursday at 8 PM
How will the artists be selected?
All of the selections will be done through a lottery process.
Lottery Process:
Step 1: All applications will be separated by category and each category’s artists will be put into a hat
Step 2: There will be a weekly draw for the artists performing the following week. If your name is not drawn it will remain in the pool for future selections.
Deadline: Ongoing until further notice
Submit your applications here.
Notes: Music PEI is funded by the Province of Prince Edward Island, ACOA and FACTOR (through the Government of Canada and Canada’s Public Radio Broadcasters).