Business of Music Course offered at Holland College
Holland College
Continuing Education Offering
The Business of Music
The Business of Music course will give working musicians the confidence, knowledge and tools to successfully manage their career in the music sector. This new course offering is based on the Cultural Human Resources Council’s, The Art of Managing Your Career, which was developed by practicing artists in the cultural sector.
Wednesdays 1-4 PM
Starting March 10, 2010 and running consecutive Wednesdays through until May 26, 2010
Room: 26C (new entrance on Kent Street, lower level)
Instructor Alan Dowling
Cost $349.00 + GST
• Introduction: Do You Have What it Takes?
• Promotion and Publicity
• Industry Associations and Funding Sources
• Action Planning: How do I get this project done?
• Marketing Planning: Who is my market and how do I reach them?
• Financial Planning: What resources do I need and how much income can I make?
• Financial Management: How do I manage a budget?
• Bookkeeping: Monitoring revenues/expenses and preparing for income tax
• Negotiating and Contracts
• Legal and Music Copyright Issues
• The Business of Recording
• Tour Planning
For more Information contact Holland College at 1-800-446-5265 or visit the website.
Music PEI will offer limited financial assitance to attend the course. For more information see the application form.