Music PEI Funding Deadline is January 28th!
Music PEI?s First Ever Funding Deadline Is Next Month!
If you are a PEI artist/group the deadline for submitting a funding proposal to Music PEI is fast approaching. The first ever deadline will be Monday, January 28th at 5 PM. All applications and funding proposals must be received in the Music PEI office by that time or be postmarked no later than the 5pm deadline.
Program guidelines, application packages and assorted special forms are all available on line at the Music PEI web site for downloading. Go to You can also pick up hard copies of the various forms and packages at the Music PEI office in the ECMA office located in the Confederation Centre of the Arts.
The funding programs under which you may apply include:
1. The Targeted Demo program.
2. The Emerging Music Support Initiative
3. The Export Development Support Initiative
Funding has been provided by the Province of Prince Edward Island for this new venture and Music PEI will administer the programs. Independent and anonymous assessment panels comprised of a minimum of three industry professionals will evaluate, assess and award the funding based on the merits of the project proposal and need of the applicant. Amounts awarded will be subject to the availability of funding within the program.
If you have any questions on the programs, please call 620-2251 to set up an appointment to discuss your application or if necessary to answer any questions you may have or email your questions or concerns to [email protected] Do it soon because the deadline is January 28th, 2008.